August 2024
• Aug 10, 2024 – Farmers Fishing Trip
• Sep 9, 2024 - General Membership Meeting
• Oct 7, 2024 - General Membership Meeting
(LaGrange Lions Club)
• Oct 26, 2024 – Fall Dinner
• Nov 2, 2024 – Pheasant Release
President's Message
It’s now August. Midsummer. Hope you all have had a great summer.The Farmers Fish Fry went ok about 20 to 30 Farmers and Family members came to eat and for takeout dinners. Not too bad! Would like to do better next year.
We started on the new Range Sign and we will get back to it when we get back from vacation. The club has purchased a new cement mixer for pouring concrete for poles. We will have a work party to rebuild the sign.The Farmers Fishing Trip is coming soon, we will let you know how we all do.No meeting in August for members. The next meeting is in September.Remember to sell The Big Gun Raffle Tickets. If you need more tickets, call Denny or Rick. Remember sell extra 20 you can get a $20.00 Gift card from FIN FEATHER AND FUR OUTFITTER.Also, tickets for the Fall Dinner are now available. Don’t wait to get yours as we expect these tickets to go fast.Hope to see you all in September.Thank You, Your President, Mike Beckwith
It’s never too late to Re-up for 2024!
Membership Bulletin
Regular Members (under age 65 at the beginning of 2024): Total = $175.00, comprising of dues of $125.00 plus $50.00 gun raffle tickets. Senior Members* (age 65 and over at the beginning of 2024): Total = $150.00, comprising of dues of $100.00 plus $50.00 gun raffle tickets. Officers/Trustees/Active Military: $50.00
*There is a one-time exemption for those current members who were born in 1947 or earlier; they will not see a raise in their dues – they will remain at $110.00. There are three different methods of renewal:1. Website: ( > Membership > Membership Application / Renewal.)2. In person at a General Membership Meeting (See 2024 Calendar) We can now accept credit cards!3. By U.S. Mail. Please mail a check or money order with the appropriate amount to:LHFCP.O. Box 131LaGrange, OH 44050
As always, you have all of 2024 to renew. However, the gate lock combinations changed on April 1st, 2024 and you will not have your not have the new combination until you renew. Due to a lack in availability to replace me as Membership Secretary, I have agreed to extend through 2024 in a limited capacity. I will still handle dues collection, badge issuance, etc. Mike Langner has graciously agreed to take the Newsletter Publication off my hands (THANK YOU, MIKE!). Hopefully we can spend 2024 getting our website and underlying database up to snuff and make this job easier for my successor in 2025.
Regards, Rick
As always, you have all of 2024 to renew. However, the gate lock combinations changed on April 1st, 2024 and you will not have your not have the new combination until you renew. Due to a lack in availability to replace me as Membership Secretary, I have agreed to extend through 2024 in a limited capacity. I will still handle dues collection, badge issuance, etc. Mike Langner has graciously agreed to take the Newsletter Publication off my hands (THANK YOU, MIKE!). Hopefully we can spend 2024 getting our website and underlying database up to snuff and make this job easier for my successor in 2025.
Regards, Rick
Farmers’ Appreciation Fish Fry
Was held July 15th. Around 20 Farmer members and their families attended. Thank you to all that helped.
Farmers’ Appreciation Fishing Trip
LHFC will be having its annual Farmers’ Appreciation Fishing Trip on August 10th. The focus this year is on Perch! Seating is limited, so in order to ensure your spot, contact Dave Novak.This excursion is a Farmers First event, but in the case of open seating, members will be allowed to fill the remaining seats at a cost.
Pheasant Release 2024
Scheduled for Nov. 2nd
Youth and Veteran Hunt (registration is necessary) – details to come.Second release will be Nov. 23rd
Junior Membership
The Junior Members Fund will provide a sponsorship to help cover the camp fees for The Lake & Trails – Youth Hunting / Shooting Camp again in 2024. Our Junior Members President, Jace Walters himself has attended all four years of this camp. Jace wants kids to go to this camp because it is a really good learning experience because you get to learn how to shoot many types of guns; including rifles, pistols, air guns, black powder and some archery items as well. You will also get the chance to throw axes, make a knife and even make primitive items. You will also learn about wildlife, how to trap, and even get your Ohio Boaters License and Hunter Safety Course if you need to. And most importantly, you get to hangout with other kids who like the outdoors like you do.
To qualify for the sponsorship you need to help out at a couple general memberhsip meetings and do a work party. Attend a general membership meeting and talk to the Junior Members President, Jace Walters for complete details and to sign up. If you would like to contact Jace email him at
When you patronize supporters of JaceWaltersRecreation and the Junior Membership please remember to tell their management THANK YOU for their SUPPORT!
Firearms Range News
Hours of operation: 10:00am-dusk, Mon.- Sat.; 12:00pm-5:00pm, Sun.Work Parties: Will be scheduled on a weather-permitting basis. If you are able to help or contribute in some way, please contact Mike Beckwith or Roger Maynard and leave a message.
Remember to lock the gate behind you when leaving. The locks must have the combination dialed in to close, then roll the dials to lock.Make sure you review and adhere to the rules: SAFETY FIRST!! Always, Always, Always, Always! We have never had an accident at our range – don’t be the first to break this 91-year-old record! Remember your badge. Without it, you will be considered to be trespassing on club grounds and asked to leave! Sign in and sign out. Review the rules before each use of the range. They are posted on the boards. Pick up after yourselves. Police your brass and trash. Be courteous to fellow members. If you have any questions, or find a deficiency, please contact your 2021/2022 Range Marshal Mike Beckwith or Roger Maynard.
A couple of incidents have occurred at the range that are cause for immediate concern – one violation so severe that if the guilty party is identified, they will be expelled from the club.Someone brought a steel target to the rifle range, and shot it full of holes using armor-piercing ammunition. Foremost, armor-piercing ammo is strictly forbidden on club grounds – it does not have to be fired, simply having it in your possession is against the rules and subjects the violator to expulsion from the club! Secondly, your $175 or $150 annual dues do not provide you with concierge or maid service. There have been a number of incidences of members not cleaning up after themselves that go beyond simple forgetfulness. On July 16th there were several dozen spent shotgun shells (red) scattered all through the grass in front of two of the trap stanchions. There was also an empty clay box, which did have a number of green spent shells in it, laying in the grass near a stanchion. You are provided with trash cans at each stanchion for a reason. When finished using the range, pick up your spent shells and put them in the trash barrel. Then return the trash barrel to where it belongs – up on the stanchion. REMEMBER – TREAT CLUB PROPERTY AS IF YOU OWNED IT... BECAUSE YOU DO!
A couple of incidents have occurred at the range that are cause for immediate concern – one violation so severe that if the guilty party is identified, they will be expelled from the club.Someone brought a steel target to the rifle range, and shot it full of holes using armor-piercing ammunition. Foremost, armor-piercing ammo is strictly forbidden on club grounds – it does not have to be fired, simply having it in your possession is against the rules and subjects the violator to expulsion from the club! Secondly, your $175 or $150 annual dues do not provide you with concierge or maid service. There have been a number of incidences of members not cleaning up after themselves that go beyond simple forgetfulness. On July 16th there were several dozen spent shotgun shells (red) scattered all through the grass in front of two of the trap stanchions. There was also an empty clay box, which did have a number of green spent shells in it, laying in the grass near a stanchion. You are provided with trash cans at each stanchion for a reason. When finished using the range, pick up your spent shells and put them in the trash barrel. Then return the trash barrel to where it belongs – up on the stanchion. REMEMBER – TREAT CLUB PROPERTY AS IF YOU OWNED IT... BECAUSE YOU DO!
Archery Range News
Come spring, one of the first changes you will see will be in the 3D Archery range. More animals will be put out, and in a manner where they will not need to be removed in order to mow the grass. Future plans include creating a walking 3D course in order to help simulate hunting and tournament conditions. After that a slight redesign of the bag target range.
Special Announcements
Calling All Tradesmen! Your Club NEEDS you!The rental house the club owns is in need of repairs. The septic system is under repair as I write this, but the house also desperately needs a bathroom remodel. We are hoping to save $$$ on this by appealing to the membership for assistance. Any plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. that are willing and able to donate some time or expert advice to the club on this projectbwould be saving us a considerable amount of our finitenfunds.P.S. – The house will also need a roof in the next few years. If you can help with that project, let us know.